Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance is intended to protect professionals and businesses against claims made by third parties that may have suffered a loss due to negligence, an error, an omission, or breach of contract.

As construction specialists, our Professional Indemnity team has specific expertise in the risks faced by professionals working in the construction market, such as architects, surveyors, and engineers. We are knowledgeable in the risks associated with Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and Design and Construct (D&C) projects and can offer cover which is that is specifically designed for these professions. We understand that PI costs have become the largest insurance spend for many firms, but equally which is why we aim to strike a balance between comprehensive coverage and affordable premiums.

We have access to the entire Lloyd’s of London market and work with several different industries including those working in the construction-related professions architects, surveyors’ engineers, solicitors, insurance brokers, accountants, and consultants. We insure firms of all sizes from SMEs to large organisations through our access to the Lloyds of London market.

  • Professional negligence resulting in civil liability
  • Claim defence costs
  • Loss of documents or data
  • Unintentional breach of copyright and/or confidentiality
  • Libel, slander & defamation

Professional Indemnity enquiry form

  • If you would like to discuss your insurance requirements with one of our experts, or find out more about our services, send us your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

We are here to help

There is no need to choose between experience and personal service. With Kerry London you have both. Contact us for expert, personal advice on your insurance needs.

Complete reassurance. Total support

Professional indemnity insurance

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